Having a hard time not rolling your eyes when you’re with your parents?


Hey, everybody. I am talking about a concept that I've decided I'm going to call it, break the seal or break the habit.

There are goals that I have and throughout the day, you might catch yourself as well thinking, okay, look, this is that moment. I either do what I've always done, or I don't do what I always do and try something new that I can break a habit. The habit I want to break is reaching for a snack. Every time I have a crave, an urging, a desire most of the time, clearly I haven't been doing that because I've reached some of my goals and weight management. There are several times still, for example, from Saturday night, all the way to Sunday night that I decided I was going to break the seal, which means I didn't break the habit. Remember when we used to go clubbing and you had some alcohol in you, and the first time you decided to go pee, that was called breaking the seal. So breaking the seal when it comes to snacking means that I have these urges, like let's say most of the day. And then finally around Saturday night at, I don't know, 7:00 PM. I'm like, okay, I'm going to have all the chips, all the cookies, whatever it is that I've been craving that's now the seal is broken.

But, because as I break the seal and give in to the urge and eat the thing that isn't planned, I've now not allowed myself a chance to break the habit. And when it comes to talking with our parents, being in conversation with our parents, spending time with our parents, there comes a point through the week that you're spending with them or the long phone call that you're having with them, that you can either maintain composure, or break the seal.

You roll your eyes or yell, or, you know, get short, maybe even get off the phone or hang up, pass the phone on to somebody else. Stop listening to them. These are the actions we take. When we decide we're going to break that seal of holding the urge to do those things, and then actually doing them. What if we didn't break that seal? What habit would we break? If we didn't break the seal and start rolling our eyes, stop being paying attention. And when we held the seal, which is that urge, what could happen? Could we break a habit? Can we break it up a bit of always wanting to get off the phone, rolling our eyes, stopping, listening to them, yelling, not calling avoiding calling of waiting, visiting, keeping our visits short.

Could we break those habits just by not breaking the seal today? I'm determined to not break the seal. Hold my urge, figure out what is the urge what's behind this urge to eat and drink one week, maybe just one day, maybe just one hour. What is it like to not break the seal? Hold urge, allow urge be with urge in my case to eat and drink. In our case of those of us, trying to create an amazing connection with our parents to hold the urge, to be frustrated and yell and scream and curse and roll our eyes and ignore and not engage. If we were to hold that urge, what habits could we break? So it's your choice. You can either break the seal or you can break the habit. I'm going to try it when it comes to food. Try one of the urge as we discussed this week with your parents report back, let us know how it went. This is Dr. Maneesha Ahluwalia and I'm the life coach for Indians.


I keep thinking I’m causing my parents’ pain by choosing what I want.