

Hi, nice to meet you, I realize now that you are my best teacher. You’ve been with me all along. I’ve never let you teach me anything. But you’ve always been there. And you’ve always shown up for me. And now you’re here. You’re here again. Always by my side. Always waiting for me to recognize you. But I’ve always decided to do it my own way. I’ve never let you teach me. I’m ready to let you teach me now.

In order for me to love myself unconditionally fully, I must also love you. I must also love each part of me. You are a part of me. You are my feelings. You are my feelings called craving. If I don’t love you, if I don’t acknowledge you, if I don’t let you teach me, if I don’t let you be part of me, expect you, except you, learn from you, learn to be with you, rather than fight you, rather than do it my own way, then I can’t say that I have full unconditional self love.

I see you. You are a part of me. You are me. If you were me and I love all of me, then I am ready, willing, and will for sure, see you, except you, expect you, and learn to love me and you as you are a part of me.

When I crave comfort, I have reached for food. When I crave comfort, I reached for my mom. When I crave comfort, I reach for my friends. When I crave comfort, I reach for my cousins. When I crave comfort, I reach for phone calls. When I crave comfort I reach for social media. When I crave comfort I reach for the external.

Now I know why you were here. You, my craving, are here, to teach me, that I can turn internally to me.

I craved, and I reached externally. I craved, and I am still reaching externally. Right now I reach for food. But that’s because I didn’t know, I didn’t want to learn, I didn’t realize, the craving for the external had become my learned behavior. Now, as I crave, I know that that craving as part of me, and I reached internally to comfort myself in times of craving for comfort. I can do that for me. I can do that for us. You and me, craving and me. We are at one in the same. And no longer will we need to reach outside of us. We will reach within. We will rise above.

Here are the 3 cornerstones to being well:

  • Self acceptance

  • Self Reliance

  • Unconditional Self Love

We each can find this individually.

We can solve for so many of our cravings internally.

And then, from that wholeness, we can give to ourselves and then to others.

Imagine that…

That is what’s possible.




There are Indian street dogs in Baltimore! Who knew?!